University of Cologne with subtitles
In the next film produced for the EuChems congress, we hear from the University of Cologne, which has defined six key profile areas including one called “Quantum Matter and Materials (QM2)”. Within that area, the group of Prof. Klaus Meerholz is conducting world leading research in organic electronics. This field includes organic solar cells and organic light emitting diodes (OLED technology), touching many economic markets including smartphones, televisions, automotive and solid-state lighting. • The Meerholz group is carrying out exciting research on solution-based fabrication of OLED devices, and is particularly well-known the invention of photochemically cross-linkable semiconductors. • The Centre for Organic Electronics Production Technologies (COPT) at the University of Cologne, offers an outstanding research environment in organic electronics, and helps to accelerate ideas in organic electronics into a scalable format. •