How to Use Yoni Pearls
Yoni Pearls! How do you use them? I don't want it to get stuck! I don't want it to get stuck! Hold on! I got you, girl! I'm about to breakdown how to use Yoni Pearls so you can balance your pH, manage your periods better, increase fertility and just plain cleanse your yoni! • Give mine a try: • One cleanse: • Social Media: Follow Me for Updates! • / yonimack20 • / yonimack • • / ... • Who is Yoni Mack? • I'm your sis who has suffered with miscarriages, PCOS and heavy bleeding. After getting tired of my doctors pumping me with medicine, I researched and study the problems I was having. I got certified in Yoni Steaming and I'm an official Yoni Steam Practitioner. I have found nothing but positive results in my holistic way of living. Want to learn more? Subscribe to my page!