Liver 101


In this video presentation, we start by providing basic anatomy and physiology of the liver is and the role the liver plays in the body. Liver carries about 3 basic functions and that is why the video is laid in the manner of looking at those functions and the associated pathology with that give function. From there, we go into a more details about how the liver cleanses the body and that is why decided to look at Wilson’s Disease which is a disease where the element copper metal is not cleansed out properly from the body thereby accumulating in the circulation and putting the person in danger of a potentially fatal disease. Any heavy metal accumulation is harmful for anyone. Afterwards the next role of the liver is to produce bile and the group decided to look at the associated pathophysiology of unregulated bile reproduction which is known as cholestasis. This disease is also fatal because again toxins accumulate in circulation, since the primarily role of bile is to aid in the digestion of lipids. Finally, the liver regulates the supply of body fuel such as glucose and therefore we looked at a clinical case of what Fatty liver disease is, if a person has a bad diet consisting of high cholesterol. The video presentation ends off with how to take care of your liver by making sure you have a good diet and lots of exercise in your daily routine. • This video was made by 4DM3 students Vyshnavi Mahendran, Tamandeep Khangura, Humaira Nakhuda, Mateen Akhtar and Andrew Nashed. • Copyright McMaster University 2016 • Please let us know how we can improve our videos and which questions should be developed below. • • References: • American Liver Foundation. (2016, February 10). Liver Health. Retrieved from: • Bandmann, O., Weiss, K. H., Kaler, S. G. (2015). Wilson's disease and other neurological copper disorders. The Lancet Neurology, 14(1), 103-113. • Canadian Liver Foundation (n.d.). Fatty Liver Disease. Retrieved from: • Canadian Liver Foundation (n.d.). Liver Health - How The Liver Works. Retrieved from: • Canadian Liver Foundation (n.d.). Liver Health – Liver Facts. Retrieved from: • Canadian Liver Foundation (n.d.). Liver Health. Retrieved from: • Canadian Liver Foundation. (n.d.). Tips for a Health Liver. Retrieved from: • Canadian Liver Foundation (n.d.). Wilson’s Disease. Retrieved from: • Chalasani, N., Younossi, Z., Lavine, J. E., Diehl, A. M., Brunt, E. M., Cusi, K., ... Sanyal, A. J. (2012). The diagnosis and management of non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease: Practice Guideline by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, American College of Gastroenterology, and the American Gastroenterological Association. Hepatology, 55(6), 2005-2023. • Chen, Z. W., Chen, L. Y., Dai, H. L., Chen, J. H., Fang, L. Z. (2008). Relationship between alanine aminotransferase levels and metabolic syndrome in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 9(8), 616-622. • European Association For The Study Of The Liver. (2012). EASL clinical practice guidelines: Wilson’s disease. Journal of Hepatology, 56(3), 671-685. • John Hopkins Medicine. (n.d.). Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Retrieved from:   • • Michalopoulos, G. K. (2007). Liver Regeneration. Journal of Cell Physiology, 213(2), 286–300. • Starzl, T. E., Fung, J., Tzakis, A., Todo, S., Demetris, A. J., Marino, I. R., … Trucco, M. (1993). Baboon-to-human liver transplantation. The Lancet, 341(8837), 65–71.


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