Multidimensional Time booster
Listen to this subliminal at least once before your playlist or listen on loop simultaneously alongside your playlist. There is no maximum amount of times to listen, just make sure that you stay hydrated and don't overwhelm yourself. You don't need to watch the video, you can just listen. Use headphones if you have them. • This will cause ascension symptoms so do not use if you're not ready. • What this does: • Accelerate and speed results by the hyperoperation of all absolute infinities infinitely beyond absolute infinity by all absolute infinities infinitely beyond absolute infinity. • Eliminate all blockages, resistance, guilt, fear, doubt, limiting beliefs and negativity regarding your ideal positive physical/mental/emotional/reality changes and transformations. • Decalcify pineal gland and automatically filter out excess fluoride, calcium, heavy metals and calcifying agents to prevent future calcification. • Heal from aphantasia. • Heal the connection between your pineal gland and visual cortex. • Remove all blockages between your pineal gland and visual cortex. • Have absolute clarity on your ideal changes. • Have absolute focus on your ideal changes. • Have absolute gratitude for your ideal changes. • Become the exact vibrations of your ideal changes. • Become the exact frequency of your ideal changes. • Become the exact resonance of your ideal changes. • Hyper-transmute all attachment to the outcome, all feelings of urgency for your results and any conflicting energies into the pure vibrations of love. • Directly manifest changes from your infinite self (AKA the I AM presence) • Become your infinite self (will cause ascension symptoms so be ready) • Unconscious, subconscious, conscious and Superconscious are fully connected and work in complete unity with each other. • Directly manifest changes from the divine source, the prime source, the mental source, the emotional source, the temporal source and the creative source. • Completely prepared and ready for absolute maximum positive change. • Manifest changes in times sooner than when this exact current instant is logarithmized by all absolute infinities infinitely beyond absolute infinity. (Uses all types of time listed below) • Automatically visualize, emotionalize, audiate, energize and actualize your ideal changes. • Download all wisdom required to be able to handle your ideal changes directly from the mental source. • Mind-body-soul-emotion alignment with your ideal changes. • Manifest results using omni-quantum, omni-physics, omni-biology and omni-chemistry manipulation (contains the normal, meta- and pata- versions of each). • Subjective self identity and ego immediately incorporate your ideal changes. • Absolutely immediately, absolutely instantaneously, absolutely instantly, absolutely safely, absolutely completely and absolutely permanently change and transform to fulfill your ideal changes. • Boost subliminals, hypnosis, reiki/energy transmissions, binaural beats and isochronic tones to be absolutely maximally effective. • Continuously recharge using all positive energies in existence. • Manifest right at these exact chronological, kairólogical, aióniological, physical, mental, emotional, astral, etheric, causal, cosmic, celestial and multidimensional instants and their corresponding now points (time is thought to be multidimensional in quantum physics. The number of dimensions of time is debated but like most other multidimensional things, could very well have infinite dimensions. I went with my gut feeling that each plane of existence has its own corresponding version of time.) • All affirmations in this were written so that you manifested and completed results in the past and now currently have them in the present. • Download link: • This is unforced. Forced subliminals are useful for making effects kick in faster but due to how much I speed and layer they aren't necessary. In fact I've personally noticed that the more I speed forced affirmations, the more my subconscious starts to resist the changes and cause stagnation (which actually makes sense if you think about it, if somebody was trying to force you to do something millions to centillions of times per second I'm sure you'd probably rebel too). In addition to subconscious resistance, the universe is a mirror and by trying to force the universe you are pushing against it. When you push against the universe, the universe pushes back with an equal amount of force. • • If you enjoy my work please consider supporting me on patreon or paypal if you are able to. I usually post smaller test subliminals on my patreon (they are still publicly available without becoming a patron) which are features I've tested on myself and noticed to be effective. Most of the time they later become pieces to larger boosters that I post here. Any support is completely optional but extremely appreciated. • / apoldsubliminals •