HOI4 Modding Basics of Syntax
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=fGfz-qjeaRE
This lesson will explain the basics of Hearts of Iron 4 syntax and the difference between the various syntax groups. • Timestamps for this tutorial/lesson: • 00:00 - Lesson beginning • 00:56 - Introduction to Syntax • 04:35 - Types of Syntax • 04:52 - Effects • 05:35 - Conditions • 06:22 - Modifiers • 06:57 - Scopes • 08:24 - Flags • 11:20 - Booleans • 12:00 - Static/Base/Core code • Useful links: • Iron Workshop Discord server: / discord • My twitch channel: / playerhoi • Hearts of Iron IV wiki modding page: https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/Modding • If you would like to contribute to make the Iron Workshop better you can do so on Patreon: / playerhoi • Here are the download links to the various tools used during The Iron Workshop lessons/tutorials. • Notepad++ Download: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloa... • Paint.net Download: https://www.getpaint.net/download.html • Please consider disabling your AdBlocker on YouTube to support this channel and any other channel that creates content you enjoy and makes revenue from ads.