50thousand people attend orthodox Jewish wedding

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(27 Feb 2007) SHOTLIST • 1. Wide of thousands of ultra-orthodox Jews at wedding site • 2. Ultra orthodox Jews looking through binoculars • 3. Mid of balcony with bride • 4. Wide of thousands of hats • 5. Close up of boy looking through binoculars • 6. SOUNDBITE (English) ultra-orthodox Hassidic man, Kalman: • It's a great joy for us because we all feel very bonded with this great leader and his family celebration is indeed our celebration as well, and also because it signifies the continuity of the leadership of the Jewish people. The chain of leadership goes on, another child is getting married, another grandchild is getting married and that is a great joy. • 9. Various of ultra orthodox Jews dancing • 10. Close up of dancing feet • 11. More of wedding celebration • 12. Wide of ultra orthodox Jews taking food out of trucks • 13. People leaving site of wedding • STORYLINE • Thousands of hassidic Jews gathered in Jerusalem on Tuesday to celebrate what was allegedly the biggest wedding in israel's history. • The wedding was that of Aron Noah Alter, the eldest grandson of leading Rabbi Yaakov Aryeh Alter, who is also known as the Rabbi of Ger Hasidic dynasty in Jerusalem. • Several roads were sealed off from traffic and given over to wedding guests, some of whom had travelled from all over the world. • Police were told to expect fifty thousand guests. • Rather than send out fifty thousand invitations, the couple's families sent emissaries to hundreds of synagogues where entire congregations were invited by word of mouth. • The identity of the bride was not immediately available. • It was talked about as the biggest wedding in Israel's 58 year history. • Partygoers at the wedding attached special importance to this marriage because it holds out promise for the continuation of the Gerrer dynasty. • It's a great joy for us because we all feel very bonded with this great leader and his family celebration is indeed our celebration as well, and also because it signifies the continuity of the leadership of the Jewish people, said one Hassidic man at the wedding. • Traffic police were told to expect rush hour disruptions as fifty thousand guests converged on a small neighbourhood in north Jerusalem. • In keeping with tradition, men and women celebrated separately. • In hassidic ceremonies, the bride does not see anything of the wedding because she wears an opaque veil to shield her from the eyes of other men. • Only the bride, groom and close family members, took part in the actual ceremony, while thousands of well wishers crowded nearby streets. • Gerrer Hassidism, like other hassidic groups, sprang up in eastern Europe as part of a revival by Jews who felt that their religious life was too introverted and overly focussed on study. • Hassids - the name comes from the Hebrew word for 'piety' and 'loving kindness, sought to bring joy and spirituality back into the Jewish religion. • The Gerrer hassids trace their roots to the Polish town of Ger where the movement's founder, Rabbi Yitzhok Meir Alter, lived from 1798 to 1866. • Gerrer hassids are easily distinguished from other orthodox Jewish groups by their trousers which they wear tucked into their socks called hoyzn-zokn. • About 200,000 Gerrer Hassids perished during the Holocaust but their present rabbi's grandfather managed to escape and quickly set about rebuilding the movement in Palestine. • Keyword-records • • Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork • Twitter:   / ap_archive   • Facebook:   / aparchives   ​​ • Instagram:   / apnews   • • • You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/you...


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