(18 Oct 1995) ENGLISH / NAT • • Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, is calling last Monday's march on Washington an event unlike anything America has witnessed before. • • Speaking at a press conference in Washington today he said the march had spawned a new politically active generation whose vote will not be based on colour or personality, but an agenda they feel is in the best interest of the disadvantaged in society. • • At the same time he criticised black general Colin Powell's decision not to attend the rally. • • Welcomed by his followers with applause, Nation Of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan outlined his vision of the future . • • He said now was the time for those who heeded his call for a day of Atonement, to become politically active. • • SOUNDBITE: • Then rather than establishing a third political party, we would establish a third political power, that will draw from the Republicans, the Democrats and the Independents and we will work together, we will vote independently, we may be Democrat, we may be Republican, we may be independent but our loyalty will be to an agenda that is in the interest of our people, and the poor, and the vulnerable of this nation. • • SUPER CAPTION: Louis Farrakhan, leader of Nation of Islam. • • Farrakhan also vowed to press on with his law suit regarding what he calls a racially motivated and mistaken crowd count , from Monday's march on Washington.. • U.S. park police say just 400,00 attended while his group puts the number at over 1.2 million. • • Once disdainful of US politics, Farrakhan now says that it is time for his followers and all other African Americans to join in the political process. • Urging his followers to register and vote in the next round of elections, he distanced himself from any thoughts of holding public office. • At the same time he made it clear that his followers should follow his lead when it comes to the issues. • • SOUNDBITE: • But for me, the spiritual realm is where I'm most comfortable. I don't ever intend to run for any office, but I do intend, and all those who do run will be held to an agenda that's in the interests of our people • • SUPER CAPTION: Louis Farrakhan. • • On Colin Powell's decision not to come to Monday's march, Farrakhan seemed to blame it on the media and white America's attitudes towards African-Americans. • [SOUNDBITE: • I am a reality in America. You want him to wait until you talk to me, until the president says 'Mr Farrakhan, um, we must sit down and talk. Then all the black folk that didn't want to talk to me before, it's all right now because we white folk give permission. That means you're still running a plantation, and we reject your plantation and your plantation mentality. It's the time of Exodus, and we call Mr Powell out of that kind of mentality and he must apologise for talking to his own brother. • • SUPER CAPTION: Louis Farrakhan • • Farrakhan also confirmed today that he has been talking to Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi, while stating that he is willing to enter into discussions with Jewish leaders. • • Find out more about AP Archive: • Twitter:   / ap_archive   • Facebook:   / aparchives   ​​ • Instagram:   / apnews   • • • You can license this story through AP Archive:


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