David Pawson The Final Facts Punishment of Hell Pt2

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Click the SHOW MORE button below, for this week’s blog... • • Copyright “This David Pawson video is the copyright of ©DavidPawson Teaching Trust 2020 and is streamed with the permission of the David Pawson Teaching Trust. • For a full library of David’s teaching resources please visit www.davidpawson.org”. • • Thoughtful Thoughts by John Dunning. • REVELATION’S PROBLEMS PURPOSE. • • A). INTRODUCING THE PROBLEMS RAISED ABOUT REVELATION… • In a film made about Billy Graham’s life, he commented that whilst at Bible college there was a more widely known student evangelist than himself. However, because of the required subject matter in their studies, the other student lost his faith and disappeared from the scene. Something similar happened at the college I went to, where students asked for extra lectures to hear the evangelical point of view. That’s because many students have to learn “Biblical Criticism”. To gain the degree, professional theology lecturers teach the academic side but not the evangelical answers to counter Biblical criticism. Bishop David Jenkins doubted even the miracles of Jesus. We need to have an answer to help such people. • - • 1). PROBLEMS PERCEIVED… • Martin Luther was extremely rude about Revelation. To put it politely, he said it was uninspired. At first, he wasn’t even going to include it in his Bible translation. • It helps if we remember that Luther’s background and culture had been immersed in Catholicism, so when he eventually came to faith, he had Augustine’s view of the Kingdom of God, (which allowed for the church to use military might to bring about what it called ‘Christendom’, (as noted in the movie, ‘The Kingdom of Heaven,’ based on the Crusades launched by the Popes.) • Luther’s blindness was so great, that he also dismissed the book of James as well, as he thought it helped the Catholic doctrine of salvation by works, so he missed the whole point of what James was saying. • - • 2). PROOF OF THE DIVINE INSPIRATION OF REVELATION… • Compare Revelation 4:3, 10:1 with 21:19-20. They prove the inspiration of the book of Revelation because John could not have known which precious stones would turn all the colours of the rainbow in the presence of pure light unless it was revealed to him by Revelation because that was only discovered in the 20th century. • - • 3). UNDERSTANDING THE IMAGERY OF REVELATION… • Knowing the book of Daniel helps an understanding of Revelation. Many of John’s readers were Jews, and would know the Old Testament, so they would understand Revelation better than Gentiles. • Remember John was seeing futuristic things that no language had words to describe, so he had to say, “well what I saw was a bit like this – or that.” • i). Some things were explained by John as he was writing. • - • ii). Then there were things understood by the locals, as they were common knowledge at that time, as the special white stones would have been. I saw a documentary where a Greek historian and archaeologist explained that Greek voters back then were given white stones to use to vote for their chosen elected representative. Only citizens of Athens could have the white stones as it was a privilege of citizenship. Whilst that history lesson has been lost in the mists of time, it spoke to me, anyway! • - • iii). A few things are kept hidden. • - • B). THE PURPOSE OF REVELATION… • To understand Revelation, we need to take a look to see what Jesus added to our knowledge about the disciples that will be persecuted during the time of big trouble – or the ‘great threshing’ (or tribulation, a derivative of Latin). • - • (a). BELIEVERS ARE ON EARTH DURING THE TIME OF BIG TROUBLE… • In Rev. 14:12-13, which is right in the middle of this period of “great tribulation”, Jesus said, “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, from now on”. • Question: Who are the people who are being so faithful to Jesus during this tribulation period, that they die in the Lord? • Answer: Only believers are ever labeled as those who “die in the Lord”, and only believers would remain so faithful to Jesus, that they would continue to stand up for Him even to martyrdom. Jesus promises that they will be “blessed”. It is a very special encouragement being given to believers who are right in the middle of the ‘great tribulation’. • • [...] • For the rest of this message visit https://www.inspirational.org.nz • This link takes you to our devotional https://blog.inspirationalmedia.org.nz/ • Inspirational Radio For “Inspirational Radio”;- follow the link, to https://internetchristianradio.com/


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