Zoom MS70CDR Multistomp AmbientDrones Patches
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=fMdsVlXOVtY
Demo few original patches I've created with the Zoom MS70CDR Multistomp. • This is another those really cool multi-purpose-effect pedals. Ages before I got the Line6 HX Stomp or the Meris Mercury7, this was my main multi-purpose pedal, especially as a reverb generator (and still it is, depending on the context and what I need to do, for example its ZNR noise gate is a brilliant one, when dealing with high gain stuff). • Really nice about the MS70CDR is that it features few algorithms inspired by brands such Strymon, Eventide and Line6. These effects are not as high-end and detailed as the originals do but I was able to compare these unit side by side few times, and to my ears the MS70CDR comes very close: So close nobody would notice in a live context! • In this video features some original patches I've create using the Zoom by itself alone. • I won't charge a penny for you to have these patches, but if you enjoyed these and would like to support my work, check out my music on bandcamp: • https://joelgilardini.bandcamp.com/ • Gear used: • Nude Guitars Baritone (tunes B to b) • Zoom MS70CDR • AMT SS20 (clean preamp) • Zoom H5 • Audacity (for recording and a simple normalization) • Remember: Ingenuity is your only limit! • Edit 2023: I lately found out about this 3rd party app called the ZOOM EFFECT MANAGER! This is a wonderful app that allow you to manage, change and load any Zoom effect block into Multistomps (no matter which model). This means you can for example have distortions and amp emulations available into the MS70CDR! It also features few additional 3rd party effect blocks that allows you to split effect in parallel over L and R outputs (like reverb L out, delay R out), and add wet/dry to effect blocks without a mix control. • https://zoomeffectmanager.com/en/ • For the curious ones these are the patches' settings: • Patch1: PltInACave 00:00 • Line Set (100 100) • Plate (75 92 33 89 100 68 ON 100) • CoronaCho (19 86 100 100 OFF) • Church (100 159 36 70 33 ON ON) • Patch2: Lost Summit 00:31 • Slow Attack Delay (737 85 64 22 50 STR ON) • Particle Reverb (85 71 STBL 49 ON ON) • Pitch Delay (1098 -0.15 71 79 7 131 ON) • Patch3: SlowFlacke 01:12 • Slow Attack Delay (738 88 56 25 50 STR ON) • Slow Filter (50 7 100 4 2Pole Open) • Space Hole (-80 407 33 73 68 16 85 -16 -48) • Multi Tap Delay (1476 8 84 6 100 ON) • Patch4: InfinitRev 02:00 • LineSel (100 100) • Plate (123 91 31 72 100 57 ON 93) • Space Hole (84 72 25 9 29 14 84 -6 -42) • Duo-Trem (18 6 100 23 23 STR TRI_0 TRI_1) • Patch5: Glacier Rev 02:52 • LineSel (90 100) • Slow Attack Delay (666 54 24 27 47 STR ON) • Space Hole (77 666 40 77 33 3 52 5 11) • Pitch Delay (333 -0.15 7563 9 100 ON) • Patch6: GiantsHaze 03:50 • Slow Attack Delay (738 89 66 38 44 STR ON) • Cave (100 81 48 43 ON) • Ice Delay (557 78 68 -Oct LONG 17 15 8 OFF) • Analog DLY (2562 89 92 6 P-P 97 ON) • Patch7: CharnelDly (tap tempo 80BPM) 04:57 • Slow Attack (42 6 100) • Tremolo Delay (Eighth_dot 87 77 RAMP 100 1/9 9 OFF 10) • Multi Tap Delay (Quarter_dot 4 91 8 100 ON) • Dual Digital Delay (Quarter Eighth_dot 69 70 S-43 5 -8 50 45) • Patch8: HazrdPrtcls 05:59 • Slow Attack Delay (738 72 66 25 35 STR ON) • Particle Reverb (73 84 HZD 86 OFF ON) • Spring (28 8 44 78 107 ON • Analog Delay (2298 56 61 7 P-P 100 ON) • Patch9: InfiSweel 06:55 • Slow Attack Delay (738 81 51 29 50 STR ON) • Plate (1 90 40 95 100 100 ON 100) • Space Hole (92 738 27 90 25 0 72 -3 -29)