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Willard P. DeLacy was the owner and publisher of “Prevue of Dallas,” a magazine highlighting activities in Dallas. He had been operating this magazine for around four years and previously worked with a similar publication called “This Month in Dallas” from approximately 1949 to 1956. • DeLacy met Jack Ruby in the early 1950s when Ruby was managing the Silver Spur Lounge. Ruby would sometimes reach out to DeLacy to include gossip items about his club in the magazine to help boost business. • On November 19, 1963, just three days before the assassination of President Kennedy, DeLacy had a meeting with Ruby at the Holiday Inn Motel around 1:00 p.m. Ruby contacted DeLacy for publicity regarding a twist board he was interested in promoting. During this meeting, Ruby presented a $50 cashier’s check for an advertisement about the New Carousel Club that had appeared in the November issue of DeLacy’s magazine. DeLacy expressed skepticism about the twist board’s promotional potential, indicating that the twist dance trend was already declining. • Following the news of Ruby shooting Lee Harvey Oswald, DeLacy quickly went to his photo lab to search for pictures of Ruby, anticipating a high demand for photographs of the controversial figure. He discovered a photograph he had taken of Ruby during a group event at the opening of the University Club, likely realizing its potential historical significance in light of the recent events. • A clip with Kasper Michaels • #History #UntoldStory #Life #Power #Truth #People #Lesson #Education #lessonstory #pursuit #documental #documentary #documents #mlk #martinlutherkingjr #history #mystery #truecrimeallthetime #corruptsystem #coldwar #1960s #legacy #research #researcheverything #facts #realmedia #left #right #democracyinaction #released #jfkfiles #experience #jre #jreclips #jreshorts #jrefans #spotify #youtubeshorts #youtube #podcast #mysterious #onthisday #weisberg #thankyou #whathappend #whatreallymatters #transparency #answers #nowisthetime #dissent #weirdfacts #interestingfacts #learningmyself #easylistening #didyouknow #dallas #1963 #dealeyplaza #truecrimenerd #foryou #forbiddenwest #police #spotify #youtubeshorts #remember #memories #different #witness #subscribe #paypal #interview #jrecommunity #interestingfacts #newshorts #women #zodiac #interestingfacts #journalism #zapruder #livinglegend #onthisday #interesting #didyouknowfacts #mentalfloss #jrefans #theory #witnesstv #lbj #jackruby #weird #weirdfact #joerogan #joeroganexperience ​⁠ ​#unsolvedmysteries #unsolvedsolution #unsolvedcrime #unsolvedcrime #truestory #johnfkennedyjr #crime #mafia #jrecommunity #conversation #latestnews #spread #spotifypodcast #mob #mafia #castro #cubanos #jfkfiles #trendingshorts #fact #newinstareels #mafia #documentary #historyfacts #buzzfeedunsolved #truecrimenerd #mystery ​⁠ ​⁠#theory #news #mob #trump2024 #oddlots #johnkennedy #americanpresident #pbs #educationalvideo #educational #truthsoflife #reporter #journaling #cia #fbinformation #corruption #politics #teaching #coldwarhistory #millionviews #trending #trendingshorts #historyfacts #history #historylovers #facts #ww #historymemes #historynerd #worldwar #historylesson #historybuff #historical #historylover #historygeek #historyinpictures #memes #factsdaily #didyouknow #funfacts #worldhistory #fact #dailyfacts #historygram #sciencefacts #historic #johnfkennedyjr factsonly #war #historyteacher #onthisday #knowledge #instafacts #historymatters #coolfacts #realfacts #onthisdayinhistory #ushistory #upsc #amazingfacts #india #meme #instahistory #historyofindia #factsoflife #interestingfacts #factz #historia #factsmatter #allfacts #truefacts #didyouknowfacts #todayinhistory #historymeme #vintage #historychannel #historicalmemes #photography #joerogan #historical #patriots #documentaries #mysteriousfacts #what #weirdfacts • #interestingfacts #history #johnfkennedyjr #amazingfacts #news #johnkennedy #americanpresident #mafia #robertfkennedyjr #jfkfiles #podcast #podcastclips #spotify #youtubeshorts #youtube #youtuber #youtubeshort #lessonstory #america #transparency #trendingshorts #trend #news #livinglegend #weirdfacts #history #conversation #coldwarhistory #kennedy #blank #subscribe #documentary #documental #moreviews #nowisthetime #waitforend #wows #1960s #sunday #sundayservice


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