APPARATI di RETE DOMESTICA Cosa sono e a cosa servono home networking


Hello everyone, today we talk about home network, here is the summary of the video: • How to configure a home network system • -The modem • The modem is that home network device that makes the signal coming from our provider and therefore from the twisted pair, to connected devices such as computers, televisions, etc. readable. but not devices that connect via Wi-Fi. In fact the modem is not able to generate a Wi-Fi network but only ethernet. Usually the modem is provided together with the telephone offer you are using and consequently is perfectly suited to that. • -The router • The router is that other home network device that creates a Wi-Fi network based on the one that the modem gives it. Yes, in fact, as we said before, the modem is not able to create a Wi-Fi network and it is here that the router takes part which is connected to the modem via a lan cable and which makes a network that has so far been wired, accessible. even wireless. The router is also supplied together with the modem by your provider which very often, indeed, almost always is a modem router so it acts as both a modem and a router. Unlike the modem, the router offered by your company may not be enough and may not meet your needs. In fact, a modem router provided by the telephone company you are relying on will have been designed according to one type of general needs so let's imagine: a family of five with two computers and 5 phones. You understand well, however, that sometimes it is not enough. For this reason, the best thing to do is to rely on the modem provided by the company and install in cascade, then with an ethernet cable that connects them, the modem and the router in such a way that it will be the modem, chosen by you well to decide the various parameters. to be set for the various devices etc. • -Ethernet switch • Ethernet switches are nothing more than devices that multiply the number of ethernet ports available in the router and therefore allow a greater possibility of wiring devices. In addition to this, they can be used, as I use them, to bring the wired network to various points of the house without carrying as many cables as the number of devices. Let me explain, if I have more than one device to which I want the wired network to reach, more than six meters from the modem, the switch intervenes because, in this way I can bring only one ethernet cable close to the devices and connect the two with other shorter ethernet cables to the switch which will then be connected to the network. But why did I say six meters? Because six meters I take it as a standard unit which is equivalent to the length of four ethernet cables put together. Obviously, if I have a device that is between the router and the switch, I connect it to the closest device, whether it is the router or the switch, it makes no difference. • Instagram:   / misciomaurizio   • Facebook:   / videofoto.mauriziomiscio   • If you liked the video, let me know with a like or a comment. This would spur me to continue and serve better and better content • - • lan cable, ethernet, modem, router, network, wifi, ethernet cable crimping, ethernet does not have a valid ip configuration, wifi router with sim, wifi router, wifi repeater, wifi extender, tim hub modem, tim fiber modem, tim modem steady red light, vodafone modem how to connect, wifi connection, ethernet lan connection, ethernet connection does not work, how it works, computer networks, home network, HOME NETWORK DEVICES - What they are and what they are for (home networking)


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