Psyvariar 2 Mission Mode Buzz Type
The PS2 version of Psyvariar 2 features a mission mode. Each pilot has access to 20 missions with various objectives involving Buzz, enemy kills, boss fights, survival , etc. • These are the 20 missions for Yuhei. With some trial and error and with the help of on-screen metrics, mission objectives are usually not too difficult to understand despite the language barrier. That said, a translation can be helpful regardless and there is one here in case : • If Kei's later missions were a difficulty spike, Yuhei's very last mission is like a difficulty supernova haha. The second-to-last TLB mission and the St5 beetle one are like Jupiter, mission 20 is the Sun, and everything else barely registers on the radar in comparison. Even though I cleared the first 19 missions very shortly after clearing the Kei ones, it took me basically a year (very much on and off though) just to be decent enough at this fight to stand a chance. You have a single life, 7 bombs, and have to get 100k buzz on the TLB. Close to superplay-level. It's excellent practice for my Yuhei score goals though, so I'm not complaining! • 00:00 Mission 1 • 00:23 Mission 2 • 00:44 Mission 3 • 01:04 Mission 4 • 01:22 Mission 5 • 01:56 Mission 6 • 02:23 Mission 7 • 03:42 Mission 8 • 04:34 Mission 9 • 04:56 Mission 10 • 05:18 Mission 11 • 05:42 Mission 12 • 06:48 Mission 13 • 07:56 Mission 14 • 08:40 Mission 15 • 09:24 Mission 16 • 11:26 Mission 17 • 12:18 Mission 18 • 13:16 Mission 19 • 15:21 Mission 20