Seaguar Fluorocarbon Leader Strength Experiment Blue Label vs Red Label
Seaguar fluorocarbon line is one of the most popular of all leaders for saltwater anglers. • And it's also one of the most expensive. • So we thought we'd perform a series of line tests so that we can see which lines truly are top performers without any bias from the manufacturers. • This test shows an experiment of knot strength for Seaguar's Blue Label line compared to their original Red Label series. • The reason we're testing knots is because a line's ability to keep its strength while being contorted in a knot will often determine a line assembly's breaking strength. • So it's essential for us to be using a line that still performs well inside of knots so that we can maximize our overall line assembly. • This is one of many experiments that we'll be hosting, so be sure to subscribe to our website so that you get notified once future tests get published. • • Fish On!