Satsuki Azalea Bonsai quotYamanohikariquot 皐月盆栽 山の光


Yama-no-Hikari • • Even this tree has flowers blooming, it is not in a good condition. According to careful observation, there was a part that went up dead from a portion of the bottom of the back. • The cause of that problem I found that it was supposed to be replanted, but it was not. • In order to make the tree recover, the solutions that I did were removing the dead part of the tree, using preservative treatment and replanting. • Originally, this tree has been grown as making a right stream line.  • (I will determine which side should come to the front from such a condition of a forward tilt and the magnitude of the amplitude of the core tree-branch.) • The idea I got was replacing the front and the back to reform this tree since the part of the rear foot of the trunk, which should be removed, would become its charming point. • The core of the tree leaning back is out of bonsai theory . • (I think that this is meaning less theory for the progressive work.) • I thought that replacing the front and the back would not have any sense of incongruity, • when the core of the tree starting the lean forward was pruned. • In order to reduce the stress on the tree, pruning the core of the tree was done a half of it and wait until the skin of the tree rolls up. • Also, pruning should be done to reduce the numbers of the twigs from one top of the branch, to leave • two twigs, and picking the bloomed flowers and buds of flowers are very effective to reduce the stress • on the tree.


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