This IBD quotfriendlyquot recipe is kind of weird
Nestle is an evil company and they are the ones that are seemingly making these recipes for @crohnscolitisfoundation; does that seem like a conflict of interest to anyone else? • Considering how large the Nestle brand is and the hundreds of different sub brands they have that sell supplements, meal replacement shakes, other ultra processed foods, can we really trust them when they are putting out recipes like these that are not beneficial to people that are suffering from #ibd • People suffering with active inflammation may see this recipe, make it, and experience literal pain because of it. • DOI: 10.1007/s10620-023-07955-9 • • #ulcerativecolitis #ulcerativecolitisdiet #crohnsdisease #crohns #ulcerativecolitiswarrior #crohnswarrior #autoimmune #autoimmunedisease #health #crohnsandcolitis #crohnsandcolitisuk #guthealth #gut #gutmicrobiome #inflammation