quotDoes The Bible Have Errorsquot by Dr Norman Geisler

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Dr. Geisler's lecture given at the 2014 National Apologetics Conference. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. • ** LiveBlog Notes: • Here are three reasons the Bible cannot err: (1) God the Father; (2) God the Son; (3) God the Holy Spirit. • Reason #1: God the Father • Logical syllogism: God cannot err. The Bible is the Word of God. Therefore, the Bible cannot err. • If you deny inerrancy, you have to ask, which of these two premises do you not believe? Premise #1 or #2? Jesus said, “Your Word is true,” not “Your Word has truth.” Hebrews says, “It is impossible for God to lie.” So you can mark that one off your list. Jesus said in John 10:34-35 that the Scripture cannot be broken (it is infallible). And Paul said, “All Scripture is breathed out by God (2 Tim 3:16). Throughout the Scripture over and over again the Bible is called the Word of God.” • Reason #2: God the Son • Logical Syllogism: Whatever Jesus affirmed as true is true. Jesus affirmed the Bible is the Word of God. Therefore, it is true that the Bible is the Word of God. • Ask yourself: what did Jesus think about the Bible? Because it really doesn’t matter what Darwin thinks about it, the Jesus Seminar and so forth. Jesus says the Bible has divine authority (he counted this some 90 times). He affirmed the Bible is indestructible. He said heaven and earth will pass away but not the smallest part will pass away from it until all is fulfilled. Jesus said the Bible is unbreakable and has all supremacy. He affirmed it is historically reliable. He picked the most disputed passage in the Old Testament; for example, Jonah and the Whale. Jesus says the Bible... • =============================== • COMPLETE NOTES HERE: • http://defendinginerrancy.com/does-th... • ===============================


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