1Password Review My thoughts after 1 year of use PROS vs CONS
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If you're in the market for a password manager app, you've probably heard of 1Password. In this review, I cover the pros and cons, show you the apps and discuss the security concerns. Try 1Password free for 30 days here: https://www.allthingssecured.com/yt/1... • ❗IMPORTANT❗ If you use a password manager, watch this simple hack to remove all risk associated with a master password - • Password Manager HACK that eliminates... • 🔹🔹🔹Additional Information🔹🔹🔹 • ✅ Download 1Password today: https://www.allthingssecured.com/yt/1... • ✅ Would you rather read this review? https://www.allthingssecured.com/revi... • ✅ How does 1Password compare to Dashlane? https://www.allthingssecured.com/revi... • ********************* • Video Timestamps • ********************* • 0:00 - Introduction • 0:33 - How a Password Manager Works • 1:14 - Unique Features of 1Password • 2:43 - Two Complaints About 1Password • 3:27 - 1Password Desktop Software Walk Through • 6:06 - 1Password Browser Extension • 7:06 - 1Password Mobile App Walk Through • 8:25 - How Secure is 1Password? • 10:17 - Final Verdict for 1Password • ********************* • It’s been a little over a year now since my bank accounts were first hacked and I started using a password manager app to secure myself online. I continue to use it on a daily basis and in this 1Password review, I’m going to share with you what I like and don’t like about 1Password, give you a quick look at the desktop and mobile apps, and finish by discussing the security risks. • You’re obviously in the market for a password manager app, and 1Password is one of a handful of companies that have a good reputation in this market. • There are a number of features I like that I share with you in this 1Password review. Both the family plan and travel mode are two big ones. • However, I want to point out the 1Password Watchtower, a feature that monitors your password health. It will inform you whether your passwords are weak, whether you’ve repeated a password too many times, or if there is an option to use 2-factor authentication with a specific login. • There are only two things I don’t like about 1Password that I’ll share here. • First, I wish there was a free version available similar to Dashlane that just had limited functionality. They offer a free 30-day trial, which is great, but it could be better. • Secondly, I wish I had the option to purchase the software and future upgrades instead of being locked into a subscription service. • I know some people would rather store the password vault locally, and while 1Password gives you that option in the advanced features, you still have to pay for the subscription service. It’s a decision that was obviously made with the bottom line, not the end user in mind. • Ok, I’d like to shift focus to address the primary concern most people have when trusting all their most sensitive passwords with any one software: security. • While the 1Password software has a number of security features that work in the background while you’re browsing the internet - and most of the time you won’t even know that you’re being protected from a threat - the most important security feature is the encryption of your vault. • The best way I can explain this is that 1Password has designed three layers of protection. • The first is your Master Password, which gets you access to your vault. Only you know this, so theoretically even 1Password can’t open your vault. • The second is a secret key that is stored on each device you set up as a trusted device with 1Password. It’s almost like a second master password you never remember that must be provided in addition to your Master Password in order to access the vault. • The final layer of security is what 1Password calls Secure Remote Password, which is just a complicated way of saying that the connection between your device and the 1Password server is also encrypted. • All of this is designed to make you feel secure, but perhaps you’re like me and you don’t believe any piece of software or encryption is entirely hack-proof. You can call me paranoid, I really don’t care. • I don’t like to put all my eggs in one basket. • That’s why I add an additional layer of protection in the form of the double-blind password strategy. If you’re interested, I highly recommend you check out my explanation of this strategy in this video here, but the short version is that even if somebody were to hack my 1Password account, the passwords I store in there aren’t the actual password. It’s pretty cool, so check it out. • Ok, final verdict time. Is 1Password a great password manager app? • I definitely think it is. If you’re still writing down your passwords or using the same password for multiple accounts, do yourself a favor and just try 1Password for a month. • #1password #passwordmanager #review