How To Chest Supported Wide Grip TBar Row
The Chest Supported Wide Grip T-Bar Row is a good exercise to help build strength in the major muscle of your back. • — • 1. Start by setting the chest support at an appropriate height, the top of the chest support should not be higher than your collar bones • 2. Set your body in the T-Bar machine with your feet firmly planted to the ground, grab the handles of the T-Bar machine, for wide grip your hands should be wider than shoulder width apart • 3. In the starting position, your arms should be slightly bent with the T-Bar in-line with your body. • 4. From this position, pull the bar up towards your chest in a slow and controlled manner and continue for as high as you can • 5. At the top of the movement, hold for a count, squeezing your back muscles then return to the starting position. • — • 💻 • 📱 / exaltedvigourathletics • 🔵 / exaltedvigourathletics