Picketts Charge Eyewitness Part 1 Eyewitness AccountOfficial Report
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Pickett's Charge has taken on legendary fame since it took place on July 3, 1863 at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. It was the last major effort that Robert E. Lee gave at that battle to break the Union battle line and secure victory for the Confederacy. However, the attack failed. This is the eyewitness account of Captain Bright who was on General George Pickett's Staff and he gives an eye-opening account of what happened that day. If you wanted to know where Pickett was during the charge, this video is for you. Movies, especially The Movie Gettysburg, has portrayed the general has staying back out of the fight, but according to this report, he was fairly close to the action making sure his division did not get outflanked. • #Gettysburg #CivilWar #PickettsCharge #Longstreet #GettysburgNMP #DevilsDen #Wheatfield #LittleRoundTop #OakRidge #FirstDayatGettysburg #SeminaryRidge #McPhersonsRidge #Seminary #GettysburgCollege #RichardEwell #JohnReynolds #HenryHeth #LysanderCutler #CulpsHill #JamesLongstreet #RobertELee #UnionArmy #Union #Confederacy #History #HaveHistoryWillTravel #HistoryChannel #Historynerd #Historygeek #HistoryCritique #historymemes #historyofart #historyinthemaking #historybuff #historylover #historylesson #historyfacts #historyinpictures #historymaker #historylovers #historyteacher #historymakers #historymeme #historytour #historymade #historytv18 #historymuseum #gettysburgbattlefield #gettysburgpa • / havehistorywilltravel • https://teespring.com/stores/have-his... • / havehistorywt • / have-history-will-travel-246896936028703