Horse and dog play together


Dog and horse play in East Texas. Lucy and Whiskey Brown getting frisky in the back pasture. Lucy is a 2 year old mixed Portuguese Water Dog. Very special. The horse is one of a kind. He is a 4 year old Quarter Horse stallion. I can't believe so many people are viewing this video. This is what happens when two animals are raised together with unconditional love and kindness. Whiskey Brown and Lucy are quite a pair. The best and funniest events described below really happened. Thank you all for the attention you are giving these two animals, and posting such wonderful comments. I wish to broadcast live some day but I don't have enough subscribers. Please subscribe to my channel to help me achieve this goal. This horse is like a giant dog. He thinks all of the other animals are his pets. Sometimes he even thinks I'm his pet. He likes to play with me as well as the dog. At times he plays like a giraffe, wrapping his neck completely around me where I can't move, but somehow I never get hurt. A gentle giant. Once there was this hilarious occasion I'll never forget. It was the day where I think he got tired of the dog licking on him. I was busy doing some weed control at the fence while the two were playing nearby. Then I heard the dog yelping. I looked over and the dog and horse were nose to nose, one on each side of the fence. Lucy was frozen solid, not moving at all because the horse had caught her by the tongue !! It was definitely between his upper and lower teeth. One simple bite and the tongue would be severed forever. Poor Lucy !! How could this happen? I walked over to get a closer look, being careful not to spook Whiskey Brown. He really had her good. Full control. When I started laughing, Lucy started crying even more, like DO SOMETHING !!??!!. Lucky for Lucy I had a carrot in my pocket. I showed the carrot to the horse and this distracted the horse just enough to make him let go. Lucy came straight to me so I could give her a quick inspection for damage. There wasn't any blood. Amazing !! I checked later and her tongue didn't even swell up. Whiskey Brown knew just how hard to bite to get the dog's attention without causing any damage. I put my hand in his mouth and he's always testing to see how hard he can bite before it starts to hurt. I have other videos posted so please enjoy them. If you would like to meet Whiskey Brown, you are welcome to visit. If you like this video please say so with a good comment. It always makes me feel good to watch and there's probably nobody out there that has watched it as many times as I have. :) • 11-3-2018 : So it has many years for this video making so many people happy to just watch and feel good about something. You have read this far so I wish to add some facts about things around here. The way they are. Life can be good and that's why this video is so popular. Out of all the comments there is one suggestion stating that the video should be played starting at 1:07 with the song Wildfire . You can find the song on YouTube and play it on another window. Mute the sound as suggested for the video and start playing the song. I did this and it brought tears to my eyes. I would ask that you do this as a tribute. Every dog I have is carrying Lucy's bloodline. So many have enjoyed over the years. Whiskey Brown is probably the happiest animal on my property. He even plays with the cattle every day. Lucy's pups are so cute and energetic. I have given them away over the years when the time is right for them. They all get good homes. I put Whiskey Brown in his stable every night. I keep a chain with two nails holding the small gate closed for him. My cousin Dennis built the stable. He has never broken out. Such a good horse. He loves to see me every morning when I go to the stable to let him out. I just got two new calves this fall. He's already training them on what to expect when hanging around with horses. Tiger (the bull) is the only bovine that won't run away from WB. He knows the game and he plays a good hand. Tiger is way bigger than WB, he has horns, and he knows WB is just playing.


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