Pemmican Making History and Cooking of Ancient Survival Food
Pemmican is one of those things that everyone tries to dress up into something that may or may not be historically accurate. • This bland concoction would have, I think, left primitive people a little wanting for more flavor, thuse the addition of things like nuts, berries, and spices, but generally speaking, this is the most basic recipe that there is. • There are two ingredients, tallow and dried meat. I use salted meat because that's what I've been making through my own curing process, here's a video on that: • • Preserving or curing Meat Without Ref... • My video on making tallow from leaf fat can be found here: • • Making Suet Tallow: My First Batch fo... • Now I'm combining the two together to make a survival food. • You know what? It's not that great to taste. I anticipate I'll be using a lower proportion of fat for sure, and likely adding some dried fruits once I begin harvesting them for the year...and of course I'll need to cure some more meat. Might even smoke some and do a video on that process, stay tuned ;) • If you want to know more about pemmican, search pemmican wars on Google or YouTube. Really interesting stuff.