King Macbeth Plays Around in a Duel vs Young Siward Tragedy of Macbeth 2021
Tragedy of Macbeth is a Shakespearean adaptation. By the director Joel Coen. • A Scottish lord gets convinced by a trio of witches that he will become the next King of Scotland, and his ambitious wife supports him in his plans of seizing power. • Young Siward is a character in William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth (1606). He is the son of Siward, general of the English forces in the battle against Macbeth. Macbeth kills him in the final battle, shortly before his swordfight with Lord Macduff. • He is based on the real-life historical figure of Osbeorn Bulax. • More about William Shakespeare's play: • --- • IMDB LINK: • LEGAL DISCLAIMER • All music, art and footage belong to their respective owners, this is just fair use. We are a channel dedicated to bring fan of battle movies together and we are trying to do it by removing all scenes unrelated to a battle, fight or something about a battle or fight that is about to take place. We are obviously not monetizing this content, monetization belongs to rightful owners. • #JoelCoen #TradeyofMacbeth #A24 #AppleTV+ #DenzelWasinghton #Macbeth #Duel