CRYPTIDS 101 🐾 La Lechuza 🐾 quotThe WitchOwlquot Origin Myth Legend ᴸᴺᴬᵗᵛ


CRYPTIDS 101 🐾 La Lechuza 🐾 The Witch-Owl (Origin Myth Legend) ᴸᴺᴬᵗᵛ • ℹ️ INFO ℹ️ • Haunting the southwest regions of North America, the deadly Witch Owl known as La Lechuza uses her massive wings to prowl the night in search of wayward children or lone adults to kill and devour. • The Witch-Owls razor sharp talons are incredibly powerful, with the ability to dig into vulnerable soft tissue such as the eyes and throat. She is said to have a large hooked beak for a mouth uses to cause serious wounds. • La Lechuza is able to take the form of ravens, owls possibly various large birds of prey. She is able to change her appearance from that of a haggard old woman into a young beautiful seductress. • Regardless of her heads appearance her body is always that of a large bird that some reports claim to be 7 feet tall, with a massive 10 foot wingspan. Some cryptozoologists relate her appearance to that of the ancient Harpy of Greek mythology. • La Lechuza is supernaturally strong able to carry off children small adults to her lair. The Owl Witch prefers to stalk her prey from above, then perch nearby in an isolated area to begin mimicing the cries of a small child. • Her goal is to draw out the curious victim into an ideal location to ambush them. Many believers claim that to even hear her cries is a bad omen that will lead to illness and death within your family or household. • It is thought that very few if any have ever gotten close enough to see her face to face, but those that have claim her face changes to that of a demonic animal just moments before her attacks. • La Lechuza's most unique ability may be that of controlling the weather, more specifically storms. It is said that Witch-Owl attacks are most common during thunderstorms which she herself has summoned. • RESEARCH BLOG 🔎 • PATREON 🌟   / latenightalone   • RUMBLE 🦉 • SUBSCRIBE 👹 • FOLLOW 👍   / latenightalone   • ❣️ TIP JAR ❣️ • #LATENIGHTALONE • #LNAtv • #CRYPTIDS • #HAUNTINGS • #PARANORMAL • ♦️ Welcome to the channel enjoy your visit ♦️


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