IDEXX ProCyte One Vet Hematology Analyzer
🩸🐾IDEXX ProCyte One Hematology Analyzer is he simplest way to get a trusted complete veterinary blood count (CBC) in-house: • 🩸🐾 ACCURATE RESULTS. FAST, EFFORTLESS OPERATIONS. 24 WHOLE BLOOD PARAMETERS • • The most accurate and comprehensive CBC testing available. • • Detect changes before disease becomes clinically evident. • • Get reference laboratory-quality results in your laboratory or ours. • • Increase confidence in clinical decisions using integrated technology and tools. • 🩸🐾INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY DELIVERS ACCURATE CBC RESULTS IN 5 MINUTES OR LESS • • Cell classification in 5 dimensions: sophisticated sensors detect information from different angles to increase the accuracy of cell characterization. • • Fewer questions caused by clumped platelets: advanced HD laser cell characterization examines each cell individually, so clumped platelets don’t interfere with white blood cell counts. • • Automatic onboard quality control: Proprietary SmartQC and software powered by IDEXX SmartService Solutions make sure the system is functioning properly, behind the scenes, without human intervention. • 🩸🐾MORE PARAMETERS MEAN MORE CONFIDENT DECISION-MAKING • • Reticulocyte count provides insight into bone marrow response to peripheral demand for red blood cell production, important in anemic and nonanemic patients. • • A true five-part white blood cell differential from IDEXX provides additional insights into underlying inflammation or physiologic stress. • • Cellular components change quickly. Running a comprehensive CBC the day of a procedure is critical to patient safety. • • 🩺 Visit now for more information