CDA Sector Islamabad C14 Details Property Trade
If you want to invest in Sector C-14 of CDA Islamabad, this video is for you. It provides complete details about the location, development, plot categories, and prices in Sector C-14 and includes a price comparison of other sectors. • If you want a price assessment of your best plot in Sector C-14 or any sector of CDA, my number is displayed on your screens, you can call me anytime. • So let's get started. • You all know that the safe secure and best investment in Islamabad's real estate is in CDA sectors. • If we talk about Margalla-facing CDA sectors, then C-14, C-15, and C-16 of the C-sector series are included. At the same time, D-12 is worth mentioning in the D-sector series. If we talk about the E-sector series, then E-7 to E-11 are included in the Margalla-facing sectors. • #cdaislamabad #cdasectorislamabad #cdasectorc14 #propertytrade