Superconducting Qubits vs Trapped Ions Ilya Besedin and Moritz FontbotéSchmidt


Dr. Ilya Besedin is a PostDoc in the Quantum Device Lab at ETH Zurich. He is working in quantum computing based on superconducting circuits. • Talk title: Qubits from superconducting circuits • Abstract: Electric circuits are what we usually build our regular classical computers from. If the signal levels are small and comparable to the Planck constant, you can try and build a quantum computer from them. We will discuss how to build a qubit using a Josephson junction, what logical operations are required for a full-fledged quantum computer, and what the main challenges of the field are. • Moritz Fontboté-Schmidt: Moritz is doing PhD in the trapped ions group also at ETH Zurich. Trapped ions is the second qubit system which will be considered this time! • Talk title: A very short introduction to trapped ion quantum computing • Abstract: A working quantum computer would allow solving currently intractable computational problems, such as factoring large numbers or calculating certain chemical processes. To build a quantum computer, several architectures are being pursued, notably using trapped ions, devices which are known as trapped ion quantum computers. Trapped ions are good candidates to build quantum computers, because of their long coherence times and straightforward control using lasers. In the talk I will explain basic building blocks of trapped ion quantum computers and review the current state of play. I will finish by giving a brief outlook. • Format: Two 30 minutes talks followed by the discussion aimed to compare these two systems, prepare your questions 😉. • Timeline: • 0:00 Introduction • 1:25 Quantum Computers • 3:00 Quantum simulations • 7:20 Gate-based Quantum Computing • 9:05 Superposition, state readout SQ gates • 10:30 Computing with electrical circuits • 12:50 Why superconductivity? • 14:05 Transmon qubits • 15:20 Operations on superconducting qubits: 1-qubit gates, 2-qubit gates and readout • 19:15 Loss • 22:00 Error correction • 25:45 Surface code • 28:00 Conclusion • 29:15 Trapped ions part • 29:45 Di Vincenzo's criteria • 31:40 Trapping an ion • 33:05 Encoding information into an ion • 36:15 State preparation • 37:25 Laser cooling • 42:40 Ion strings and logical gates • 47:40 QCCD architecture • 48:40 Wiring the light • 49:40 Quantum Error Correction • 51:40 Conclusion • 54:20 Start of discussion • 54:50 Hype around Quantum Computing • 1:00:00 Business with Quantum Computing • 1:02:00 Obstacles on the way to Quantum Computer • 1:07:20 Is it possible to apply more than one 2-qubit gate in parallel in the trapped ions systems • 1:09:45 Encryption using Quantum Computers • 1:12:40 Qubit's lifetime vs Operation time • 1:17:30 Different operational frequencies • 1:20:50 Proper error correction • • Links: • Quantum Devices Lab ETH: • Trapped Ions group ETH:


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