Making a lined jacket for Iplehouse EID BJDs
Hi guys! What a week it's been. My channel just crossed the 1k subscribers mark, wow!! I never thought I'd have so many people interested in my work. Thank you all so much for joining me! I'd like to do something special to commemorate the occasion, but I can't think of anything. What kind of ideas do you have? • Anyway, here's this week's bit of progress on my customization project. Rune's jacket is done! This video is the longest one I've made yet. I am in the middle of rearranging things in my workshop, and it seems a bit dark. I'll try to set up some good studio lighting before the next video. • As usual, you can find a printable PDF of this pattern on my website, and it's free for personal use: • I had hoped to create a few alternate sizes for this one since there was interest in it, but I haven't had a chance yet because things have been so crazy here. Getting my video done in time to share this week was all I could do, so other sizing options will be forthcoming. :) • Happy sewing, and don't forget to show me what you make! • -------------------- • Find me, and more updates about my dolls and work: • ★ Blog: • ★ Instagram: / lomilmalinde • ★ Twitter: @bnalvarez • -------------------- • ♫ Music: Distant by Micah Dixon • / micah-dixon-5 • Used with personal permission. • . ♥ . ♥ . ♥ .