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This is Day 36 video of I'm MS Excel Expert tutorial series where we have discussed 1 topic as mentioned below: • 1. How To Send a Table and a Chart in An Email Using Outlook via VBA Macro • Quick Summary of the tutorial: • We have started I'm MS Excel Expert tutorial series to help you to become an expert in MS Excel in a very short period of time. The tutorial I'm MS Excel Expert would become the game-changer for the beginners hence calling this tutorial perfect fit for the MS Excel for Beginners wouldn't be wrong. • We would love to take up any questions you may have at this point of time. Please post your queries/questions in the comment section along with your email address • Thank you so much. • Watch this space if you're willing to learn MS Excel quickly. • Please LIKE, COMMENT SUBSCRIBE to the channel. • You can visit our Instagram page at: / finance_guy_nishant • Tags: • #Excel #LearnExcel #Beginners #excelforbeginner #excelforbeginners #MSExcel #ImMSExcelExpert #Tutorial #MSExcelForBeginners #OpenExcelUsingMacroVBA #ExcelFormulas #VLOOKUP #ConditionalFormating #HowToOpenAnExcelUsingMacroVba #Duplicate #ExcelFunctions #MicrosoftExcel Microsoft Excel #exceltutorial excel tutorial #FinanceGuyNishant Finance Guy Nishant #Macro #MacrosInExcel #VBAInExcel #excelTricks #excelshortcuts excel expert vba expert vba excel programming tutorial #VlookupMacro #SendEmail #HowToSendATableAndAChartInAnEmailUsingOutlookViaVBAExcel