MonoKote Trim Sheets for Newbies
MonoKote Trim Sheets for Newbies! • In this video learn the lost art of using MonoKote trim sheets to easily decorate any RC model airplane. • Regular MonoKote is an iron-on covering for RC model aircraft that comes in rolls. The trim sheets are a similar material, but are on a paper backing and do not need any heat or ironing to apply to a model's surface and come in regular sheets about three feet long. • Just peel off the backing and apply. Thus, the MonoKote trim sheets can be used for any model, whether one you build or a almost ready to fly. Just peel and press. • The MonoKote trim can be applied to other trim sheets. In addition, use a mixture of dishwashing soap and water to easily adjust the placement of any trim after it is applied. • Here is a link to my YouTube Channel: • / timmckay56 • Many thanks in advance for a post of this video on Facebook, it truly helps the channel a lot! • Regards, • Tim • Chapters (simply hover over video timeline): • 00:00 - Intro • 02:12 - Trim sheet discussion • 04:20 - Demonstration • 05:00 - Soap tip