NETGEAR EX3700 AC750 Access Point Instructions
About - • Instructional video demonstrating the setting up of the NETGEAR EX3700 AC750 Wifi Extender as an 'Access Point' buy plugging in an ethernet cable connected from your router into the extenders 10/100Mbps Fast Ethernet port. • The ’Access Point’ configuration allows you to connect your extender to your router in conditions where connecting it over Wi-fi are not suitable. For example, your router may not have Wi-fi, the distance between your Wi-fi and extender is larger than the range can transmit, your walls are super thick concrete or many other reasons were only an Ethernet cable will suffice. • Thanks for watching and please subscribe and/or share my video. • For NETGEAR EX3700 WIFI Range Extender instructions instead, see • NETGEAR EX3700 WIFI Range Extender In... • #netgear • #ex3700 • #wifiRangeExtender