BOS Presents A Complation of Got Milk amp Got Chocolate Milk Advertisements
Before the video starts I should tell you this: • White text denounces a Got Milk? ad. • Brown text denounces a Got Chocolate Milk? ad. • Welcome to the first episode of my non-logo series (well, if you don't count the Mario Party 4 (Blind) LP) titled BOS Presents! • The Topic? Well if you read the title you know we'd be talking about Got Milk?. Featuring the Talents of The Powerpuff Girls, Dwayne The Rock Johnson, and the Trix Rabbit as himself. • What is Got Milk? Well, according to Wikipedia: • Got Milk? (stylized as got milk?) is an American advertising campaign encouraging the consumption of cow's milk, which was created by the advertising agency Goodby Silverstein Partners for the California Milk Processor Board in 1993, and was later licensed for use by milk processors and dairy farmers. It launched in 1993 with the now-famous Aaron Burr television commercial, directed by Michael Bay. The national campaign, run by MilkPEP (Milk Processor Education Program) added the got milk? logo to its Milk Mustache ads beginning in 1995. In January 2014, MilkPEP discontinued its Milk Mustache and got milk? advertisements and launched a new campaign with the tagline Milk Life . The got milk? campaign continues in California and the got milk? trademark is being licensed to food and merchandise companies for U.S. and international sales. The campaign has been credited with greatly increasing milk sales in California, although not necessarily nationwide. • Got Milk? is one of the most famous commodity brands and influential campaigns in advertising history. • Read the full article here: • Follow me: •