👍 Aprende el verbo HABER IMPERSONAL

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=fvp2QNzcdlk

👉 Here is the direct link to the article I have written about the verb haber impersonal in my blog. In it, you will be able to do exercises that will help you consolidate your learning. • https://blablaespanol.com/el-verbo-ha... • This video has SUBTITLES IN SPANISH!!!! • In today's lesson we will see what mistakes we sometimes make with the verb haber when it is used impersonally. In addition, I will show you when we use it and what its main characteristics are. • INDEX • Beginning of video: 0:00 • The impersonal verb haber: 00:32 • Usage and characteristics: 01:32 • When and why we make the mistake: 02:18 • Examples: 03:04 • More examples: 06:00 • • The verb haber: • In Spanish, we use the verb haber impersonally when we want to indicate the presence or existence of people, animals or things. • The characteristics of the verb haber used in the impersonal form are: • 1. It lacks subjects • 2. It is conjugated in the third person singular. • 3. What accompanies it is a complement or direct object with which it does not have to agree. • We usually make the mistake when the direct object is in the plural and we conjugate the verb haber also in the plural to agree with it. This is incorrect, since, as we have said, there is no need for agreement between the verb and the direct object or complement. • This error is due to the fact that we interpret the complement or direct object as a subject, not as an object, and we mistakenly try to make them agree.


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