Destiny 2 The ULTIMATE quotPoison Subclassquot Necrotic Grips Glaive Build Full Build Breakdown


At first I made this build for fun just to mess around with, you know since I had already done one for Karnstein's... but after really digging deep into it I've made something quite overpowered in all honestly similar to my last Necrotic build despite that one being so old, with this build you're more or less invulnerable under the right circumstances, you also have incredible ad-clearing potential through not only Necrotic Grip your Weapons of Sorrow but of course through the Glaive now too. Then for easy high DPS output without the need of a ton of mods I have a Linear, you could use whatever you like in the heavy slot but I will recommend the best high damaging Linear you can find. • Of course it's not gonna be the best of the best thing out there by a long shot, but it is probably the best setup you'll find that turns Voidwalker into it's own little Poison Subclass as everything you do will more or less activate Necrotic Grip and spread Poison while also giving Vampiric/Corruptive esc abilities alongside it... mainly just to fill the fantasy until Bungie go ahead and actually make one (which as far as we know they won't). • Here's some timestamps for those who wanna get to parts of the build; • Intro Glaive Buff - 0:00 • Voidwalker setup (Feed the Void Child of the Old Gods) - 0:55 • Void fragment setup - 1:30 • Loadout (Weapons of Sorrow Glaives) - 2:03 • Mod setup options - 3:37 • Triple 100 stat setup to aim for - 5:45 • Build summary Outro - 6:51 • Gameplay - 8:05 • So yeah let me know what you think! Personally the builds a ton of fun to abuse and so far I've had absolutely no issues with it, jumped into some low and high tier content and found myself walking through the activities like they were patrols. • It's gonna make everything just easy mode because of how stupid good the ad-clearing is and how difficult it is to die. Hopefully with Season 19 we get some decent champion mods and maybe some of these weapons and the glaives can be used in higher tier content with the build again. • DIM loadout link for the build - • #Destiny2 #PoisonSubclass #NecroticGrip #Glaive #Thorn #TouchofMalice #OsteoStriga #Corrption #Hive #Voidwalker #TheEnigma #LubraesRuin #NezarecsWhisper #Special #Linear #FusionRifle #Heavy #Power #Resilience #Recovery #Discipline #Strength #Intellect #Super #Overpowered #ChargedwithLight #StacksonStacks #ChargeHarvester #Melee #Poison #HighEnergyFire #Artifact #Mods #ArtifactMod #Gauntlets #ExoticGauntlets #Gloves #Buff #Exotic #Perks #Stats #Power #Masterwork #PvE #Gameplay #PvE #PvEGameplay #PvP #Crucible #Warlock #Hunter #Titan #Devour #FeedtheVoid #ChildoftheOldGods #KingsFall #KF #Raid #Legendary #Season18 #SeasonofthePlunder #BeyondLight #WitchQueen #Lightfall #DLC #Expansion #New #Build #Setup


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