UNDERBITE JAW SURGERY vlog recovery days 114 before amp after
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Orthognathic surgery is a treatment to correct the conditions of the jaws and face due to skeletal disharmony that can cause malocclusion problems, sleep apnea, TMJ disorders, aesthetic problems, etc. • 1) Introduction: 00:00 • 3d video of Clínica Médico Dental Pardiñas (http://j.mp/cPardinas) about the different techniques for orthognatic surgery procedures in combination with orthodontic treatment. • 2) Maxillary advancement surgery; 00:24 • In the case of a small or underdeveloped upper jaw, a maxillary advancement is possible. • 3) Impact of orthognathic surgery for gummy smile: 00:32 • A gummy smile caused by an excess of the maxilla can be corrected by performing an anterior impaction of the maxillary bone. • 4) Overbite jaw surgery: 00:53 • An anterior open bite can be corrected by impacting the maxillary bone in its posterior part. • 5) Maxillomandibular advancement surgery: 01:23 • A jaw that is too short can be corrected by making a mandibular advancement. • 6) Jaw retrusion surgery: 01:53 • A jaw that is too large can be corrected by performing jaw retrusion surgery. • 7) Bimaxillary orthognathic surgery: 02:22 • In cases in which the problem is in both jaws, such as an upper jaw that is too small and a lower jaw that is too large, it can be corrected by performing bimaxillary surgery, to advance the upper jaw and to retrude the lower jaw. • 8) Upper Jaw Expansion Surgery: 03:28 • An upper jaw that is too narrow can be corrected by expanding the maxilla. • 9) Mentoplasty: 04:00 • A small chin can be corrected with a mentoplasty. • • Subscribe to our Youtube channel π http://bit.ly/suscribeteCP • MORE 3D VIDEOS in English π http://j.mp/dentistry3D • Follow us also on: • π Instagram: / clinicapardinas • π Facebook: / clinicapardinas • π Twitter: / clinicapardinas • π Linkedin: / clinica-pardinas • π Tiktok: / clinicapardinas • π Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.es/clinicapardi... • #orthognaticsurgery #oralsurgery #jawsurgery