August Osage County Catfish scene
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ • Wars have been fought over water since ancient times. DAMMING THE OSAGE chronicles efforts to develop the Osage River and the forces, both natural and political, that opposed its improvement. Before the Louisiana Purchase, the French and Spanish were thwarted in their effort to colonize the region by the powerful Osage Indian tribe. When the Americans arrived, efforts through engineering to make the river useful began, ultimately leading to a series of massive dams and reservoirs. This new book weaves together tumultuous stories of centuries of conflict over how to exploit this important resource. Much of ecological, scientific and cultural value has been lost in the process. • Authors Leland and Crystal Payton have published a dozen books on popular culture and regional history. All are extensively illustrated with contemporary and vintage photographs, maps, art and artifacts. • This is an offset printed, Smyth sewn book with 435 color illustrations. Though it's a bargain at its retail price of $35, for a limited time you can buy DAMMING THE OSAGE from the publisher for $30, tax and U.S. postage included. • You can order with credit card at or send check for $30 to • Lens Pen Press • 4067 S. Franklin • Springfield, MO 65807 • Narrated by Nathan Shelton • Video produced by Ross Payton, Slang Design,