How to Inspect Your Home for Fleas 4 Easy Steps
Check out our 100% Guaranteed Flea Control Kit and get rid of fleas for good! • • Learn more about fleas and how to be flea free: • • How to Inspect your Home for Fleas • Step 1: Start With Your Pets • Fleas usually first get into the home via your pets. Your pet may have come from outside and brought along fleas. If your pet has been scratching themselves more than usual and has been irritable, you will want to do a thorough inspection of your pet for fleas first before moving onto your home. Run a flea comb through your pet and see if you can catch fleas in it. • Step 2: Check Carpets and Rugs • Carefully check your carpeting and rugs. Fleas are so small that they often can get away with hiding deep into carpeting. Fleas also like to lay eggs in carpets and this is also where flea larvae is often discovered. Run your hands over the carpet and rug fibers and try to look for evidence of flea eggs or adult fleas themselves. Seeing anything may be difficult but there is a special trick you can do to see things a little more clearly. • Get yourself some white socks and put them on. Walk around your home especially over the carpeted areas. Adult fleas will jump onto your socks if they are present. Something you can do to attract them and entice them to jump up onto you is be shuffling your feet. This friction will create heat which will attract the fleas. Next grab a flashlight and check your socks for fleas. They will be easier to spot because of the white socks you have on. They will look like black or brown specks that can easily be detected. • Step 3: Look For Flea Dirt • Flea dirt is flea fecal matter that looks like specks of dirt or black pepper. Look for it around your floor or carpeting, particularly around areas where your pets sleep. Check their bedding and crates and scan for live fleas and flea dirt. You should also check your couches and other upholstered furniture where your pets lounge around for evidence of flea dirt. If you see some specks but aren’t sure they are flea dirt, putting them in water and checking the color will be useful. Flea dirt turns reddish when placed in water. • Step 4: Check Around Your Yard • Fleas came from outdoors so it makes sense to check outside around your yard where your pet was frolicking around for evidence of fleas. Using the sock trick we talked about, walk around your yard, focusing particularly in the more shaded and moist areas outdoor since this is where the like to hang out, away from sunlight. Also check under and around trees, bush area, your patio and around your deck and any place where there is leaf litter. • • Conclusion • Once you have done a detailed inspection in and around your home and have found out where the fleas are hiding, you can then proceed to the control phase. You can get total control fleas in and your home with our Guaranteed Flea Control Kit. This kit contains all you need to get rid of fleas and give relief to your pets.