quotMental Hospitalquot 1950s
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=g7bTsmG3j6Q
Item Number: F2012.238.01 • The Oklahoma State Department of Health in cooperation with the State of Oklahoma Department of Mental Health (a University of Oklahoma Production) • Extent (quantity/size) 19mins 05secs • Media 16 mm film/AVI 1920x1080 29.97 FRAMES PER SECOND • • Descriptive Notes Filmed at Central State Hospital. A dramatic reenactment of what happens to a patient when admitted to a mental health hospital. Details the different types of patients: elderly, mentally disturbed, physically and mentally ill. Those who are committed for both the long term and short term. The different chores and events of daily life and housing at the mental hospital. Details the admissions processes of voluntary, certified by two medical professionals, or by court order. After admission they are physically assessed: chest xray, blood tests, spinal fluid test, then mentally assessed. Then a treatment plan is prescribed: electrotherapy, hydro therapy, sedative packs, insulin shock, etc, supplemented by regular routines of daily life. And then shows how patients can be discharged.. • • Contact The Oklahoma Historical Society to purchase non watermarked DVD or High resolution Digital File\u2028\u2028 • http://www.okhistory.org/research/ord...