When she disappears over text Technique to stop this
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=g7qKttajxHA
In this example we have a guy who was messaging a girl who at first was responsive and interested but ended up losing interest and stops responding. We go over what this guy could have done better and an example of it done better. • Check out Dave's channel to get the girls you want and become the man you want to be: / postgradcasanova • Here is the previous text conversation we analyzed: • How to NOT be needy over text • Get coached by me: • http://Apply.getcoachedbylloyd.com • Follow me on Instagram: • / a.single.guy • Learn how to approach any woman, anywhere, without rejection (Practical Approaching System): • https://www.practicalapproachingsyste... • Join my free group to meet other likeminded men in your area • https://skool.com/level-up-academy • If you have any questions put them in the comment section below. Or shoot me an email if you want a full answer.