Assassins Creed 3 The Ghost Ship Walkthrough Captian Kidds Treasure HTG
(HTG) Jeremy provides you how to do the The Ghost Ship walkthrough / gameplay in Assassin's Creed 3. Follow the walk through / game play video and you will get complete The Ghost Ship assassins creed 3. This is part of the captian kidd treasure. • -To get beat The Ghost Ship for assassin's creed 3 you need to follow where I go in the video. There are two optional objectives that you need to complete. This is part of the captian kidd treasure. • 1.) Do not fall in the water • 2.) Reach the octavius in one minute • 3.) Kill him before he gets to the cave • Thank you for choosing Happy Thumbs Gaming for all of your trophy, achievement, gameplay, and walkthrough needs! • • Follow Us: • / happythumbs • / happythumbsgaming •