Minecraft 121 Hidden Enchanting TableRoom TutorialJAVA ONLY
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=g9UZwpKHM6A
[WARNING] This does NOT work on the Bedrock edition, only Java. • In this video I will explain to you how to make a hidden enchanting table/room. Its very easy to build! • ⚠️ Save the IP for my new upcoming Minecraft open world RPG server with only custom made plugins! [ skyrift.net ] • For those who wonder why the version in the title is up to date, even though the video is a couple years old, every time a new version comes out I test the build in that new version and if it works I update the title so you know it works in the current version! • • • Music: Memories from https://www.bensound.com • #minecraft #redstone #tutorial