The Meaning of an FTest


Organized by textbook: An F-test tells you the likelihood that two samples came from two normal distributions that have different variances. Made by faculty at the University of Colorado Boulder, Department of Mechanical Engineering and produced by the Department of Chemical Biological Engineering. Check out our Engineering Computing playlists: • The null hypothesis is that the variances of the two populations are the same. The alternative hypothesis is that the variances of the two populations are different. The p-value from an F-test represents the odds that you've accidentally concluded that the two samples come from populations with different variances (you've accidentally rejected the null hypothesis), when they actually come from two populations that have the same variance (the null hypothesis is actually true). In other words, it tells you the probability that you've rejected the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is actually true (you've made a Type I error). The p-value represents the odds that you've made a Type I error. A low p-value suggests that the variances are different, and a high p-value suggests that they are the same.


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