Vertebroplastyamp Kyphoplasty
If you have a compression fracture of one or more bones in your spine your doctor may recommend either vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty procedure. Your spine has 5 main sections. Three of them are cervical spine in your neck, the thoracic spine in your chest and the lumbar spine in your lower back. Each of these sections has separates bones called vertebrae. The weight bearing part of each vertebra is called the vertebral body. Your vertebral body has outer shell of solid bone and inner network of pores spongy bone. If you have osteoporosis the bone of vertebral bodies can became thinner and more pores making them very weak. Bending, sneezing, lifting objects or falling can put more pressure on your spine than your weak vertebral bodies can support. • Compression fractures commonly occur in a transition zone from the stiffer thoracic spine to the more flexible lumbar spine. The pressure can cause a compression fracture in which a vertebral body collapses. To reduce your pain your doctor may recommend non-surgical treatment first. This treatment includes the • • rest • • pain medication • • back brace • If this treatment don’t work your doctor may recommend either vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty procedures. • Before either procedure an IV line will be started. You may be given antibiotics through the IV to decrease your chance of infection. You will be given local anesthesia to numb your back. In addition, general anesthesia may be used to keep you unconscious and pain free during the procedure. If you receive general anesthesia a breathing tube will be inserted through your mouth and down to the throat to help you breath during the procedure. Surgeon will make to smal puncture incisions on your back over your fractured vertebra. A hallowed tube called a canula along with a pointed instrument insight it called trocar will be inserted through the each incision into your fractured vertebra body. your doctor will use a real time X-Ray machine called a fluoroscope to guide placement of canula and trocar. • If you are having a vertebroplasty procedure your doctor will remove a trocar and then inject a bone cement to each cannula to hard it and stabilize your fractured vertebral body. • If you are having a kyphoplasty procedure your doctor first will insert a balloon tamp through the each cannula before injecting the cement. The balloon on the tip of this device will inflated to restore the hight of your vertebral body. After deflating and removing the balloon tamp your doctor will fill the space created by the balloon with bone cement. At the end of either procedure your doctor will remove each cannula and cover a tiny skin punctures with a steril bantage. • After either procedure your breathing tube will be removed if general anesthesia was used. You will be taken to the recovery area for monitoring. Pain medication will be given as need it. You may be discharged from the hospital the same day or within a 1 day after either procedure. •