OSHO I Am Not Interested in Saving Anybody
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Osho, a contemporary mystic speaks on virtually every aspect of human consciousness. In these talks, the human condition, whether the mind, the heart, love or awareness is exposed with humor and insight, as never before. • In this talk, Osho responds to the question: • How can we save humanity from falling even more? • It is one of the trade secrets of all the religions to propose propaganda that humanity has to be saved. It is a very strange idea, but it is so old that nobody seems to look into the implications. Nobody asks why you are worried about saving humanity. And you have been saving humanity for thousands of years, but nothing seems to be saved. In the first place, does humanity need any saving? • Enjoy the OSHO Experience yourself at the OSHO International Meditation Resort: https://www.osho.com/visit • You can participate in a full program of: • OSHO Meditations: https://www.osho.com/meditate • OSHO Active Meditations: https://www.osho.com/meditate/active-... • OSHO Multiversity Programs: https://www.osho.com/learn • Chose playlist in your own language: https://www.youtube.com/oshointernati... • Would you like to join the OSHO Video Translation Project? –http://www.oshotalks.com/ • © OSHO International Foundation. • ® OSHO is a registered trademark of OSHO International Foundation.