Moncton Driving Observations November 19 2024


Clips from driving in the Moncton area. • #moncton #monctondriving #dashcamvideos • #1 - Old VW Bus on a trailer, hard to see but it had Groovy written on the side • #2 - Subaru seems to think this is a one way street • #3 - Car almost doesn't get stopped for the red light • #4 - I get that it's an ambulance but they didn't have their lights on and turned at this intersection on a red light • #5 - Guy on a bicycle tries to get run over by cars crossing Vaughan Harvey on a green light • #6 - Someone trying to cross the street at 5pm, in the dark on busy Champlain St. At least I guess he had a reflective coat on • #7 - 4 Corners again, more cars that ran the red and blocked the intersection, again • #8 - Motorcycle cuts between the lanes to get in front of me • #9 - Red light runners again, same intersection different day, the last one being a company vehicle • #10 - Guy in parking lot doesn't even bother to look if anyone is coming at him, in his own little world • #11 - Red light runners • #12 - Same as #11 • #13 - North end Moncton, one of my least favorite places to drive, the second clip I left in more because the commentary was funny • #14 - We assume this was the same car twice, definintely in a hurry that's for sure compared to the traffic around them • #15 - Antother red light runner • #16 - Car rear ends me, thankfully I had my hitch was still on my truck. The bumper was pretty much falling off he vehicle, not even a • scratch on my truck not even the hitch • #17 - Old VW Jetta from the 90's. These all rusted away in this part of the world 20+ years ago, this was not originally from here or • never driven in the winter here ever. • #18 - Not sure what this guy did or was doing but 4 cops cars says to me it was more than just a speeding ticket


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