Parnasavari Nama Dharani 葉衣觀自在菩薩陀羅尼
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ • Credits: • ( Transliterated on 23/8/1997 from volume 20th serial No. 1100 of the Taisho Tripitaka by • Mr. Chua Boon Tuan (蔡文端) of Rawang Buddhist Association (萬撓佛教會). • Parnasavari Nama Dharani • 葉衣觀自在菩薩陀羅尼 • (唐-不空三藏法師譯版) • The Goddess Parnashavari mantra and practice are highly recommended for all health-aware people, those suffering from chronic, epidemic and contagious diseases and for health professionals in general and naturopaths and herbalists in particular. She is completely dressed in herbal leaves, hence the name Parnashavari , Sanskrit Parṇaśavarī, in Vajrayana or Tantric Buddhism, a goddess distinguished by the girdle of leaves she wears. She is known as Hiyōi in Japan. Parnashavari is apparently derived from an aboriginal deity, and one of her titles is Sarvashavaranam Bhagavati, or goddess of all the Shavaras (a tribe in eastern India). Invoked to fight disease and epidemics, she is represented with a smiling but irritated expression, stamping on personified figures of fever and smallpox. Recitation of the Goddess Parnashavari mantra is traditionally done first thing in the morning before all prayers. Like other forms of Tara, Parnashavari Devi is viewed as the Wisdom of Amoghasiddhi, and a manifestation of the Compassion of all Buddhas. She is invoked to protect us from contagious diseases. • Parnashavari (English: the Mountain Ascetic - Wearing Leaves), the goddess who protects and pacifies contagious illness. • Natural in colour (yellow), she has three faces and six hands. The main face is slightly peaceful and wrathful with three eyes and the hair tied with a snake in a topknot on the crown of the head. The red face on the left is in a desirous mood and the white face on the right is peaceful. The first pair of hands hold a gold vajra and a vajra lasso held to the heart. In the second pair is a vajra axe upraised in a manner of striking and a fan of fresh leaves and in the lower pair of hands is an arrow and bow. Adorned with gold and jewel ornaments, a circlet of fresh leaves around the neck and a long snake necklace she wears an upper silk scarf gray in colour. The lower body is covered with a thatched skirt of fresh leaves tied with a yellow silk ribbon. With the right knee pressing on the sun disc and lotus seat she sits in a kneeling posture.