Erik Satie Gnossienne No1 Piano Tutorial


As requested here is the piano tutorial video for Gnossienne No.1 by Erik Satie. Hope it`s helpful and enjoy! :) • More Piano Tutorials:    • Piano Tutorials   • You can support the channel by buying me a coffee here :) : • PayPal: • Patreon:   / realstanchev   • Instagram:   / realstanchev   • Facebook:   / stanchev.s   • Twitter:   / realstanchev   • If you like the video consider subscribing for my channel to keep up with my latest work! :) Thanks for watching! • The Gnossiennes are several piano compositions written by the French composer Erik Satie in the late 19th century. The Gnossiennes in the decade following the composition of the Sarabandes (1887) and the Trois Gymnopédies (1888). Like these Sarabandes and Gymnopédies, the Gnossiennes are often considered dances. It is not certain that this qualification comes from Satie himself – the sarabande and the gymnopaedia were at least historically known as dances. • The musical vocabulary of the Gnossiennes is a continuation of that of the Gymnopédies (a development that had started with the 1886 Ogives and the Sarabandes) later leading to more harmonic experimentation in compositions like the Danses gothiques (1893). These series of compositions are all at the core of Satie's characteristic late 19th century style, and in this sense differ from his early salon compositions (like the 1885 Waltz compositions published in 1887), his turn-of-the-century cabaret songs (Je te veux), and his post-Schola Cantorum piano solo compositions, starting with the Préludes flasques in 1912. • Also with respect to the tempo these Gnossiennes follow the Gymnopédies line: slow tempos, respectively Lent (French for Lento/slow) • #Satie #Gnossienne #piano


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