Protection Paladin Solo AtalDazar Mythic


This dungeon wasn't as hard as either Boralus or Freehold. The trash was the most difficult part, were I had to sometimes kill 1 at a time and wait for CDs to reset before going at it again. • Ilvl: 340 • Traits: 17 • • Tactics: • • Priestess Alun'za 0:07 • This boss were one of the harder in the instance, still fairly easy when geared. Focus down the adds quickly and try to steal the pool they going for. This causes them to glitch and just stand still at the boss for 10 seconds or so. Timing wise it is also perfect since you will have the debuff for the transfusion. • Prepare for damage taken during her gilded claws. It increases her physical damage done by 50%. • • Vol'kaal 5:32 • Well one thing I learned from this boss is that the totems actually start healing before they reach 1 HP. They start around the 2% marker. • During p1, make sure you get all totems to 3-4%, so they can be one shot by a Judgment. You will have quite limited time to destroy them all before the healing cast completes. • If the damage debuff on you gives you any issues, make sure to dispel it with Cleanse. However it won't stack up, since it will fall off before then. • For p2, make sure you keep moving to avoid things on the ground, damage taken is moderate so if you use your rotation well you should be good! • • Rezan 10:56 • This boss was quite boring / slow. Also most of the walls don't count as line of sight and sometimes when he pursue you, he will randomly stop or charge with a movement speed... quite buggy. • Tried to not run and see if I could survive being eaten (to speed it up). However without CDs that seems quite tough. • At the end I decided to stick to one side of the arena to be free from all add spawns. Even if it meant I would get feared a lot I weren't close enough to be feared into any adds. This part of the arena is also very open, so you have time and space to run from Rezan! • It takes awhile to bring him down, since 70% of the fight you will be out of meele range! • Oh and he does deal a bit of damage with Serrated Teeth, so be prepared for that! • • Yazma 19:24 • This boss was quite fun but not too hard. She won't use any Soulrend if you are the only one there (and in tank spec). Still her spiders deal a bunch of damage but are easily kitable. First few attempt I decided to soak them instantly but realised that I could just kite them until Spellwarding comes back up, and then soak them all. • When the spiders get the shadow swirl around them, they will go for you. Otherwise they will walk around without target. • Interrupt Wracking Pain, it deals a bit of damage. Also Skewer does a bit aswell but not too bad if you have an active defense up! • • Music: • • World of Warcraft: Cataclysm OST. • Composers: Russell Brower, Derek Duke, Neal Acree, David Arkenstone, Glenn Stafford • Tempest's Wake 0:00 • Zul'Gurub 16:58 • • World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor OST. • Composers: Russell Brower, Neal Acree, Clint Bajakian, Sam Cardon, Craig Stuart Garfinkle, Edo Guidotti and Eímear Noone • Sea Music 0:07 • Sacrifice 24:56 • • World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King OST. • Composers: Russell Brower, Derek Duke, Glenn Stafford, Neal Acree. • God Hunters 2:30 • The Nerubian King 8:36 • Garden of Life 12:22 • Shadow Web Caverns 19:24 • Citadel 20:46 • Assault On New Avalon 22:52 • • World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria OST. • Composers: Russell Brower, Nean Acree, Sam Cardon, Edo Guidotti and Jeremy Soule. • Troves of the Thunder King 5:32 • • World of Warcraft: Legion OST. • Composers: Russell Brower, Neal Acree, Sam Cardon, Edo Guidotti and Glenn Stafford • Mac'aree 10:56 • • World of Warcraft OST. • Composers: Jason Hayes, Tracy W. Bush, Derek Duke, Glenn Stafford. • The Shaping of the World 14:35


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