Duquesa de Cardona 4 Sup Hotel Full Review Voyage Spain

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When Transylvania drags, Nocturna is ready to bite the Big Apple! We review bad vampire disco movie Nocturna Granddaughter of Dracula (1979) • Please consider supporting Dark Corners on Patreon for bonus videos, uncensored reviews and ad free early access: www.patreon.com/darkcorners • Buy Robin's Books (UK) https://amzn.to/2F7Blbf (USA) https://amzn.to/3kmGMD3 • Buy on Amazon (UK): https://bit.ly/3klhbKZ (USA): https://amzn.to/3fFosl8 • Facebook: http://on.fb.me/RvhRdc • Twitter:   / darkcorners3   @DarkCorners3 • Summary: Geriatric Dracula owes taxes, so he turns his castle into Hotel Transylvania. His granddaughter Nocturna, books a disco band, learns that she loves dancing and can turn mortal whenever she dances and moves to NY to get a life and find love. • A special thanks to our Dark Cultist Patreon supporters. • Shadows - Brent Beebe, Chris Hewson, Chris Weakley, Christie Bryden, Colleen Crouch, Conner Brennan, David H. Adler, Hidden Trail Video, Joseph Dougherty, Heather Micheal Bailes, Steve Scibelli, Brad Webb, Henry Brennan, Godessoftransitory, Allan Liska, Jasmine Shafer, Ford, David Church, You Don't Get To Know, Anthony Strocks, Stephen Crane, Dan D Doty, Devon Trahan, Christopher Eckart, Joseph Hines, John S Savage, Joseph C Niedbala, Logistical Nightmare, Lorna Smart, Chantelle Corey, Tom Macintyre, Hank D • Acolytes – Dark Roast, Dave Smith, Lavaughn Towell, Mark Buckley, R Lagdao, Raven House Mystery, Russ Chandler, Simon Ash, Simon Esslemont, Uwe Marquardt, Alex B, Amber Wesley, Tony Belmonte, Amber Wesley, Peter Grantham, David Conner, Robert Freeborn, Janne Wass, Brian Kidd, Albertus Magnus, Rachael Kafrissen, David Pellot, James Robertson, Nils Muninsheim, Adam Everett, Johnathan Henning, Lee Taylor, Peter Wilson, Ch'aska Huayhuaca, Daniel Blevins, Tim Smith, Popeye Otaku, Kyle Olson, Prince Charming, Mystic Cyclone, Francis J. Caponi, Chris A, Steve Bourget, NuclearSaber, Picatea, Gemma Crowley, Andrew Weber, Lee Taylor, C, Michael Dean Jackson • Initiates – Alexandra Virgiel, Bob de Builder, Brian Ullmark, Clifford Parson, Derek, Double-U, Felix Weibig, GadgetBlues, Greg Galanos, Greg Hartwick, Jakub Kabenski, James Smith, Karl Bunker, Martin Vlachynsky, Maria Gd, Melissa Hayes, Stephen LaPlante, Roop 298, VC, Jonathan Olds, Terry Le Croix, Barry P, Jeffrey A Pleimling, Joshua Allen, Adam E Jordan, Seth Coleman, Claire Chandler, Ashleigh Rose, G.Kumar Archar • Written and presented by Robin Bailes @robinbailes • Directed and Edited by Graham Trelfer • DARK CORNERS OF THIS SICK WORLD S10E37 • #BadMovieReview #DarkCornersReview #CultMovieReview


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