FPGA Sinclair Spectrum
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=gNFwm8UiYTs
In this video I'm describing a weekend project where I implemented a Sinclair Spectrum on a FPGA. This Z80 machine is running at 65Mhz (but capable of 80Mhz on my hardware) is working on the color VGA display with 1024x768x60Hz @65MHz pixel clk. My plan is to make episodes for each stage of the implementation (let me know in the comments if you are interested) • links to resources • T80 (Z80) VHDL https://opencores.org/projects/t80 • USB Keyboard Verilog https://github.com/nand2mario/usb_hid... • VGA timing controller video • VGA 640x480 Timing Generator in VHDL ... • Enjoy!