TOP 5 Vinny Moments 😎 Jersey Shore MTV
Hide the carbs now because we’re counting down the keto guido’s top five moments. #JSFamilyVacation returns with all new episodes Jerzday, July 11th at 8/7c ...
Top 5 Vinny Moments, Best Moments of Vinny, Best Moments, best of jersey shore, jersey shore compilation, moms with attitude, Snooki, Angelina, Deena, Sammi, Ronnie, mike, the situation, jwoww, Pauly D, Vinny, Seaside Heights, reality, reality tv, Throwback Thursday, Throwback Clip, Throwback, fights, fist pump, Jerzday, Duck Phone, quack, dirty little hamster, gtl, guido, guidette, snooki & jwoww, Joey Camasta